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Interviews of inspiring ILIO NEMA women working with their hands...





Multi faceted artist Brianna Lance is a muse of ours. Painter, DJ, designer, musician, model and dancer. She is an artist who expresses herself through various mediums and never ceases to amaze and surprise us.

A free-spirited woman and style-icon, she is always curious and loves to create with her hands. An inspirational ILIO NEMA woman. 

We asked Brianna a few questions....


What is your favourite piece of clothing you own? Where and how did you get it?

That’s like picking my favourite child.  I don’t have a favourite.  So many things are gifts and so many things have sentimental value, but my most worn item are my overalls I wear to paint in.  Vintage engineer stripe Lee overalls. 

What does sustainability mean to you? What would you say is the biggest challenge for fashion right now?

Sustainability is actually just a result of holistic and forward thinking.  So many companies are so caught up in growth rather than just being happy as a successful company. I think quarterly growth within companies is actually the biggest cause of waste and lack of sustainability.  




You are a multi-talented artist (music, fashion, painting) who deals with a lot of different art forms. What is your creative process in these different areas? 

They all come from the same place but have different processes. I’m actually not a very emotionally emotive person, but my feelings are so vast and so big, the only way I have to express them properly is in creating something designed to move people. Music and design are collaborative so it’s coming together with people to reach a goal. Painting is totally isolated in the process so it ends up being just a reflection of my inside life. 

What do you like most about working with your hands?

I feel a lot of freedom in being able to make something in my brain manifest in physical form. It’s something I have gratitude for every day. 

How did you started doing what you are doing/get where you are?

Oh it’s such a long story of yeses and nos. I think ultimately determination to live the life I want to live is how.  I have had so many lives in fashion, music, now art… but each one I was determined to make sure my contribution mattered and that I had a positive effect on the people consuming the work. 

How would you describe your style?
Who knows.  Hahaha.  Maybe older gentleman, princess,  street slob?   It’s so many different ideas I put together in one. 



Introducing Our First ILIO NEMA Woman


Madhu is an inspiration to women in India and around the world. Her love of fashion and textiles is reflected in the garments produced in her factory. Madhu is commitment to traditional handcrafts. Her focus is not only for today but to pass on these skills to future generations.

1. What did you learn from your mother?
I learnt about secularism and grew up not knowing who and where my friends were from. Over the years I have made many friends from all over the world, meeting and working with people from different countries and learning about their culture.

2. How did you start doing what you are doing?
My interest in fashion combined with the vast collection of textiles available in India inspired me. I have always been curious about the lives of people and wanted to help the underprivileged artisans. While working with an Export House I decided to start my own business. I went to an Australian buyer and asked if he would work with me, he said absolutely and immediately placed an ordered. I was so taken back that I just gave him my name. I borrowed some money from my sister and started working from my house. Then there was no looking back. 

3. What do you like most about working with your team?
All my staff have worked for me for several years and are like a big family. I have seen them through marriages, children, grandchildren, death, and illness. Initially most of my staff were men. My clients and my workers would take photos of me to show to families that a woman was heading a factory of male workers. Over the years things have changed and now I have many women workers which is wonderful. These women are supporting families and educating children. I love celebrating the festivals with my staff. Together we eat and dance and the staff let their guard down and enjoy themselves.